Privacy Policy

By downloading our video games, you accept the collection and use of personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. In order to operate and manage our services, we may sometimes rely on third-party service providers. A list of these parties can be found in this privacy policy. The types of information we may collect about you include:

Device Data: Such as screen size, IP address, location (latitude and longitude), battery level, time zone, etc.

Advertising Data: Number of impressions per session, number of clicks, number of completions, total number of impressions.

User Data: Gender, age, interests, etc.

Advertising: Advertisements from third-party advertising networks may be displayed in our games from time to time. Reasonable efforts are made to ensure that these advertising networks comply with all applicable laws in providing their services to us.

If you click on advertisements through our game, advertisers may use cookies and other web tracking technologies to collect data in order to provide you with targeted advertisements. Some of this information may be personally identifiable.

Collection of Other « Non-Personal » Information: Some non-personal information may be gathered while you use our games. This includes general, non-identifiable, and anonymous information collected for statistical, analytical, and research purposes such as game improvement (e.g., bug fixes).

We take the privacy of your personal information very seriously and are committed to protecting it. We will not share, sell, or rent your personal information to third parties, except as required by law or with your express consent.

We may use your personal information to contact you regarding updates, promotional offers, or other information related to our games unless you choose not to receive such communications.

By using our video games, you expressly acknowledge and accept the practices described in this privacy policy.

Please note that this translation is provided for informational purposes only, and it’s always recommended to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

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